Born 1977 in Næstved, Denmark. Lives and works in Aarhus and Copenhagen, Denmark, and a number of other places
© Jan Danebod
© Jan Danebod
In honor of the occasion, in the Colors of the Time, waterproof critical because the shit is spilling over in an overload of accepted lack of humaneness, served with various exotic flavors, dressed in tails with an economically articulate smile. Danish hospitality with European make-up. A radio host asked the musician whether he actually believed that music had any effect in a political debate. The answer cut short, the question was elevated to the status of the final comment. Loud criticism restrained by police riot squads. Monotonous indifference paid off to shut us up, live, eat, and shit welfare. Fine by me that you don't agree, fine by me that you state your opinion, under orderly conditions, organized for that very purpose. You will have to be thousands before we will listen; until then, we promise to pretend. Hidden proudly behind barricades made up of the Sunday paper, brunch, and genocide. A world in images, seeking adventure in foreign countries, reality show like in a movie. Jan Danebod in 152 words. I am all of the above and everything else. It pisses me off and creates territory. Homemade and that's never good enough, suits me fine.
Contribution: Participates in Station 1: The Equestrian Hall, Aarhus, with “NOW-DANISH-INTER-NATIONAL,” 2004. Mixed media flag project for the flagpoles facing the main entrance to The Equestrian Hall, dimensions variable. Courtesy of the artist.