Founded 1987 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Based in Copenhagen |
TV Stop, “Dem der ikke hopper…10 Års Antifascisme” (Those Who Don't Jump…Ten Years of Anti-Fascism) (video still), 2002.
© TV Stop |
TV Stop is a left-wing local TV station in Copenhagen, whose aim is to enable viewers to discover that they have an influence on their own lives. This goal is achieved by producing engaging and proactive TV. The TV Stop Association was established in 1987 by persons who were active within or connected to Christiania, the weekly paper Ugeavisen København, and the squatter movement. The idea was to apply for local TV broadcast permission and produce so-called “broom cupboard TV”: to install a transmitter and a video player and air productions that the established media found too political, too controversial, or too narrow. But the ambitions quickly rose and the association soon wanted to create a real TV station. Big grants from various funds (primarily Lise Plum) and hard work from the volunteers resulted in a fully elaborated TV station (including its own studio) when TV Stop broadcasted for the first time on April 6, 1990. Three editorial offices were established: Urban City Bio (mainly documentary, art, and short fiction films); the News Editorial Office (current political news); and the Friday Editorial Office (background, debates, and entertainment). |
Contribution: Participates in Station 3: The Movie Theater East of Eden, Aarhus, with “Dem der ikke hopper…10 Års Antifascisme” (Those Who Don't Jump…Ten Years of Anti-Fascism), Denmark 2002. VHS PAL (color), 41 min. Courtesy of TV Stop. The video is screened on Wednesday, September 29, 2004, from 7 – 10 pm. |