Aarhus county youth branch of LO – The Danish Confederation of Trade Unions
© LO Youth Aarhus County
© LO Youth Aarhus County
LO Youth Aarhus County manages the coordination between the youth committees of the LO trade unions. The intention is to connect 15 – 30 year-old people across professional barriers in order to create democratic communities. LO Youth Aarhus County participates readily in political discussions and lectures. Additionally, we often co-operate with groups that share our basic views. LO Youth Aarhus County makes an effort to mobilize potential young members where they move; i.e. in work places, schools, and so forth. As opposed to other counties, LO Youth Aarhus County also supervises Jobpatruljen (The Job Patrol). The Job Patrol is an interdisciplinary activity coordinated by LO Denmark and administered by the individual counties. Every summer, the Job Patrol visits work places all over the country to inspect young people's working conditions. The intention is to create a dialogue between spare-time employees and their employers through personal interviews and questionnaires. In addition to these work place visits, the Job Patrol in Aarhus County has made its presence known through street actions in downtown Aarhus and at a flea market in Skanderborg, Denmark. The intention is to reach 15 – 30 year-old young people and inform them of collective bargaining and working condition regulations, which some employers unfortunately do not always comply with. The Health and Safety at Work Act carefully specifies what young people are allowed to and not allowed to work with.
Contribution: Participates in the youth hearing “What Would You Do If You Became Minister of Integration?” on Saturday, October 23, 2004, from 3 – 7 pm in Station 1: The Equestrian Hall, Aarhus.