A high energetic concert event in The Equestrian Hall, which stages a series of cultural clashes. Entitled CULTURE IN DEMOCRACY, the event features some of the most remarkable names from the Danish music scene. First, they will listen to and comment on each other's messages. Then, they will each give a concert. The evening is rounded off by 2 VERY SPECIAL GUESTS: the DJ team UNIVERSAL SOUNDSYSTEM og NO NAME REQUESTED, who is legendary on the Danish hip-hop scene. The duo has existed since 1990 and consists of the rappers LITTLE-T and MUKUPA. They both have solo projects, but are back on the stage together on the occasion of Minority Report.

Come and meet:
ZAKI – rapper who has toured with the Swedish new circus CIKÖR in Europe, with FM Einheit from Einstürzenden Neubauten in the US, and has just returned from a tour in Egypt with some of the big names there.

JOMI MASSAGE – who insists on the redeeming force of sound. With her female power, JOMI MASSAGE took off all her clothes during an opening act at the Spot Festival, put it back on, sang one song, and left the stage again to the astonishment of the Danish Cultural Minister, who was watching from the first row.

LAGO – performer, singer, entertainer. He has been dancing and singing in London, performing in Copenhagen, released in 2004 his second album, and appeared as a guest soloist with Geeza at this year's Roskilde Festival. LAGO's performances are known for having a provocative effect on audiences.

CLEMENS – words do not go far when attempting to describe his career. It is national and international, it has given him grants, awards, and great reviews. Currently, he is working on his fourth allbum with expected release at the end of 2004. He also continues to rewrite theater plays and write lyrics for other artists through his company The Lyrics Laboratory.  

SCHWANZEN SÄNGER KNABEN – four singing a cappella gay singers with an irrepressible desire for singing! With oral melodiousness, they throw themselves on issues and taboos that no one else will touch with a barge pole. The songs balance delicately on the difficult line between pornography and blasphemy with beautiful harmonies, elegant arrangements, and satirical lyrics.

The entire event is organized by HENRIK BUSK – artist and founder of the alternative art and culture enterprise Kamuflage in Copnehagen. He operates in underground from a do-it-yourself strategy. Among other things, he was the anchorman behind the interactive art event HalfMachine in Copenhagen, 2003. Over the years, he has made more than 50 releases with alternative Danish music. In addition, he works with photo, video, sound, space, peotry, performance, and concept development.